
Sunday, August 28, 2016

The library

Last Saturday we went to the library.

 I haven't been in a library since I left the
 Netherlands, more than 30 years ago.

When I was young, I went to the library a couple
 of times a week. I loved it!
But then I came to Luxembourg and the chance
 of finding books in Dutch or English was close to
 zero, so I started buying books in the Netherlands
when we visited my family.

After a couple of years I became fluent in
German (my husband and I speak German
 together, even after all these years), I discovered
 Amazon.de and started reading books in German.

The kids have a school library and they bring
 home a couple of books every now and then, 
but they just don't like to read (although my
 daughter loves audiobooks and most of the 
books in my Audible library are hers).

A couple of months ago I bought this book
 for my daughter, who likes to draw,
 about drawing Manga.

We saw a Manga movie or two, before she 
discovered comic Manga books.

From that moment on she started downloading
 them on my Kindle. She just couldn't stop reading.
 Every day she asked me if she could do some
 chores for me and have another book.
I was so happy that she had finally found
something she liked to read that I didn't mind.
These books are not very expensive (4€), 
but if you buy five, you have spend 20€, and
 they are very fast reads. 

So, that's where the library comes in!
We started going to the Cité Bibliothèque in 
Luxembourg-city on Saturday mornings 
and I am thrilled. We took three library cards, 
which means we can take 12 books, 
6 audiobooks and 6 movies every time.
I have so missed this all these years!

PS: Did you know these books are read from
 right to left? You start on the last page and read
 the bubbles also from the right corner of the
 page to the left corner.